About Defeat Diabetes Foundation
For nearly 30 years Defeat Diabetes Foundation has supported research-based and sustainable solutions aimed at preventing, identifying and managing type 2 diabetes.
The rate of people being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes is a rapidly growing in the US and across the globe. By 2030 it is projected that more than 500 million people around the world will be living with type 2 diabetes.
At DDF, we recognize the highly preventable nature of type 2 diabetes, and believe in effectively self-managing the disease whenever possible. Through an integrated approach to dietary and lifestyle choices, most cases of diabetes can be prevented, and many existing cases can be treated in ways that better promote overall health.
DDF works to provide community-based impact programs, outreach. and up-to-date news and resources for existing diabetics and those at risk. We strive to do our part in supporting sustainable solutions to defeat diabetes in our community and across the globe.
Your donation will help save lives. Give today to help us defeat type 2 diabetes across the globe.